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European cities have a special opportunity to transform their impact on tropical forests and climate. In 2022, with a grant from Laudes Foundation, the Cities4Forests’ Partner Forest Program is helping five European cities to establish Partner Forest relationships based on procurement of conservation timber. ​Each participating city will source conservation timber from an exemplary community-forest enterprise for use in a prominent city infrastructure project showcasing wood’s role in a sustainable built environment. 


These high-visibility exchanges between cities and Partner Forests will:

  • catalyze long-term relationships between cities and faraway tropical forests;

  • build citizen awareness of cities’ implication in the health of tropical forests;

  • inform and propel adoption of sustainable wood and other forest-product procurement policies;

  • involve citizens and private sector partners in collaborations for positive social-ecological systems change; and

  • expand stable markets for community-forest enterprises leading forest conservation.

How to get involved

Whether you are an elected official, a member of municipal staff, or a private-sector representative working on issues related to the built environment, we invite you to contact us. Our team will be happy to answer your questions and start a conversation! 

To see examples of cities already taking action and get inspired, visit our web pages about the Turin Partner Forest launched in April 2022 and the Glasgow Partner Forest launched at COP26.

European Cities Campaign

Helping Europe establish Partner Forests for tropical forest conservation and climate change mitigation

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Turin's Partner Forest launched with a collaborative placemaking event using conservation timber from eastern Gabon.


Copenhagen's Partner Forest launched a placemaking project using conservation timber from Mozambique

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Glasgow used COP26 to demo uses of wood sourced from Partner Forests and salvaged from local urban trees.

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A Partner Forest workshop in Amsterdam explored opportunities for conservation timber along the city's canals.

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Cities have myriad opportunities to use wood for good. For inspiration, see also FSC's portfolio of tropical wood projects in Europe.

The Partner Forest Program is an initiative of:

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