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Cloud Forest Coffee

Product Highlights


Product: Single origin organic coffee beans

Origin: Intag, Ecuador

Community:  Local communities of Intag’s cloud forest

Mission: Marketing shade grown organic coffee beans as an alternative livelihood to mining development. In partnership with Asociación agroartesanal de caficultores Río Intag (AACRI), Cloud Forest Coffee helps farmers protect and restore cloud forest in the Ecuadorian Andes by providing income to local communities. 

Product Overview


Cloud Forest Coffee is an organic direct-trade coffee that comes from the region of Intag in the province of Imbabura, Ecuador, in the Western Andes. This specialty Arabica coffee is shade-grown at high altitudes, much on land that has been reforested using native species for the purposes of coffee production.

Coffee is sourced from local farmers’ co-operative AACRI, which was started to provide an alternative to mining development in the region and promote biodiversity. The community has been resisting mining companies for over twenty years. AACRI promotes a holistic vision of social and ecological health, and farmers grow not only coffee but are also supported to produce organic vegetables and traditional crops for local use. 

Useful links


Keep up to date with important information through the Cloud Forest Coffee Blog.

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Explore more about the importance of Ecuador’s Cloud Forest Reserve.

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Learn of the area’s rich biodiversity and volatility by watching this video from the Rainforest Information Centre.

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Uncover how Decoin, a local organization, is protecting Intag.

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